Team Brawdy

A few years ago I had the privilege of meeting someone who has become one of the closest friends I have. He is a man of honor, integrity, hard work, and devotion to his family and friends. His name is Brett Brawdy.  I respect the man, husband, and father that he is, and I strive to emulate him. He is one of the last great, dedicated, American dad figures.

Throughout life there are times when you have to make a decision - a decision between letting something destroy you or fighting for what can be achieved.  Brett came into an extremely harsh reality  very recently A reality that not many of us can truly understand. A reality that can destroy the very fiber of a father's soul. 

But Brett is a fighter.

On September 21, 2011, Brett's son Brandon was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Blue Cell Tumors (DSRCT).  It is a very aggressive cancer that began with tumors in his abdomen.  A five-year survival rate is only 15% and Brandon will require chemotherapy treatments for the rest of his life.  He is only 15.
Rather than operating out of defeat, Brett is fighting to make the most out of the precious time he has left with his son.  Brett told us today, "The worst part of this whole thing is the doctors can't tell us if he has 6 months or 2 years because it's such a rare cancer. Not knowing is what hurts the most."

 There is nothing stronger in this world than a parent's love for their children. Brett is a father that I admire. His love and dedication to his children is something that I strive to achieve. I can't begin to understand the devastation he is experiencing.  The pain I feel in my heart for Brett is nothing compared to what he endures every day.

 Please help his dear family as they come together to support their son.  As you can imagine, medical bills are astronomical.  On top of the medical expenses, they are trying to make the most out of the limited days they have left - to do all the things that a family wants to do together. One thing Brandon wants is a small fishing boat, so we are going to do everything we can to try and help him get one.  Brett has told us this:
"Since Brandon and I started fishing, it has been his dream is to get a fishing boat. Not a huge one, just one that me, him, and his mom can go out fishing with. With all his medical expenses it's impossible for us to even try and think about getting one, so thats where we need help. I know that probably sounds greedy but I want to do this for him while he is still able to go fishing. Brandon has always been a real quiet kid but fishing out on the lake makes him excited and it's what actually gets him through his chemo knowing were going out."
Maybe this blog will reach someone who has one they can donate… Maybe if we all pull together, we can each do our part to help make this dream come true. Please start by liking Team Brawdy on Facebook and prayerfully consider getting involved to help.  You can also click the DONATE link here and ALL donations go directly to this sweet family. Finally, please continually lift our friends up to the Father.  Only He can truly bring peace in this kind of situation.

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